We recognise that it can be challenging as a part-time student, so we try to ensure that part-time students are fully integrated into the culture of Reuben College and afforded all the same opportunities and support as full-time students. There are various ways in which we do this, but we are always open to suggestions so if you think there is something you think we could be doing to help you feel more a part of Reuben College, please let us know!
Below are a few pieces of information that may be of interest to you.
- Induction talks and Tuesday Seminars seminars are recorded (when possible) so that students unable to attend in person are still able to benefit from these events.
- The graduate community’s elected Part-Time Student Officer, Michael Andrews, can be contacted directly by clicking here. Your part-time Student Officer is more than happy to talk to students about being on a part-time course, what you think the College should do to help support you and many other things Oxford-related.
- As with all Reuben students, you will have a College Advisor. Your College Advisor is an academic who is assigned to you when you are admitted to the University and they are there to help support you during your degree. While they cannot give you specific work-related advice (they aren’t the ones supervising/teaching your course!), they can help you navigate the sometimes confusing processes and jargon used at Oxford – do you know who a DGS is, or what the Proctors do? There’s a glossary on the University website, but it’s much easier to speak to your Advisor! While you may choose to meet with them remotely, and maybe only once a term, we do encourage you to take advantage of the College Advisor system.
- Part-time students are entitled to all the same grants and scholarships that full-time Reuben students are but on a pro-rata basis. More information is available on the Student Hub page.
- Parking in Oxford is limited, but if you park at the Westgate Centre for evening events, it is a reasonable walk and less expensive than street parking near the College.
Farndon Court
There are also a small number of residential rooms (two bedroom flats) specifically set aside for part-time students who may be coming in to Oxford for short periods of time. Find information on booking these rooms here. Alternatively, please email accommodation@reuben.ox.ac.uk to discuss available dates.
We hope all part-time students have as fulfilling an experience at Reuben as full-time students. We know your circumstances are varied and often challenging, so please do get in touch if we can help in any way.