Academic Matters

7.1 College Advisors

7.2 Examinations

7.3 Assessment Extension Requests and Mitigating Circumstances Notices

7.4 Suspending your Studies 

7.5 Academic Enrichment Events at Reuben 

7.6 Libraries

7.7 University Terms & Residency Requirements

7.8 Graduation


7.1 College Advisors 

Each graduate student is assigned a College Adviser. This is often a senior academic member of the College such as an Official (Governing Body) Fellow, but in many cases a wide range of staff act as Advisers. Your College Adviser can:

  • Monitor your progress by discussing your university supervision reports
  • Discuss any problems or difficulties you may be experiencing in your department or Faculty, and/or with your supervisor
  • Consult with the Senior Tutor with concerns about your academic progress
  • Offer guidance on sources of support available within the College and University
  • Provide pastoral support, for example on health, personal or coping issues, and direct you to appropriate persons for assistance.


Your College Adviser is not expected to perform the role of your Department or Faculty Supervisor(s) and is not responsible for directing your academic work or for giving detailed academic guidance. Your College Adviser will not necessarily be from your department or subject area. However, they may be able to offer you advice on academic-related matters such as applications for research funding, conferences and seminar attendance, publication, and career plans.

You will first meet your College Adviser during your first term (ideally within the first three weeks), and you are encouraged to contact them when you need advice or help. Whilst we try our best to ensure you have the same College adviser for the duration of your studies, your College Adviser may change during periods of sabbatical or other academic leave. 

Please let the Senior Tutor know by the third week of your first term if you have not had contact with your Adviser.

7.2 Examinations

University examinations information is available here.  

Applications for special consideration or alternative arrangements in exams, and any other communication with the University concerning the conduct of exams and assessment should be made through the College Office ( at the earliest opportunity, and by no later than the Friday of week 4 of the term BEFORE the exam is due to take place.

Students are responsible for entering their names and the correct course options for all University Examinations through Student Self-Service at the times given in University guidance. It is important that you do so by your course deadline, although within a certain period following the deadline you may be able to pay a fee for late entries or change of option. It is also important that you check through Student Self Service that you have entered for the correct options.

7.3 Assessment Extension Requests and Mitigating Circumstances Notices 

If you have issues submitting assessments on time due to illness or other personal circumstances and need an extension please refer to: Problems completing your assessment.

If you have a short-term illness or a fluctuation of a chronic condition, you can apply for a self-certification extension yourself. Please note this is capped at two per academic year.

If you have experienced situations that have affected your academic progress, such as illness or personal events, for example, bereavement, you can submit a Mitigating Circumstance Notice (MCE) so that examiners are made aware of the situation. Please see MCE Guidance for further guidance. Such applications must be made as close to the event as possible and must be received by noon the day before the final meeting of the exam board.

Applications for MCE to Examiners can be submitted directly on the Student Self Service or through College. You will need to include your own personal statement and at least one piece of supporting evidence.

Dispensation requests submitted via the Education Committee and applications to the Proctors office on the grounds of ill health, require medical evidence. Please remember to register with a local GP and let the Academic Office know the details if you are not registered with the College GP. Find out more here: Medical evidence and certificates.

7.4 Suspending your Studies

Unforeseen circumstances may mean you need to suspend your studies to take time out, for one term or a maximum of three terms at any one time. In this case, you will need to apply for a suspension of status. If you feel this is the right route for you, please speak to your supervisor and the Senior Tutor initially, who will be able to guide and support you. You should apply to your department to suspend your studies via form GSO.17, Graduate Study (GSO) or through student self-service (depending on your course). Forms are available to download here.  

Please see our College policy here: Suspension of Status (available on the Student Hub on SharePoint).

Further University information on changes in student status can be found here.

7.5 Academic Enrichment Events at Reuben 

Tuesday evening talks with dinner

The academic heart of the College lies in its Tuesday night seminar series (colloquially known as "Dining with Dinosaurs"), which are held in weeks 1-8 of each term.These bring students and academics together in communal dining and discussion. Learn more here.

Reuben Explores

Reuben students are invited to informal skills and development talks on alternative Mondays, during term. These events feature internal and external speakers and interactive workshops. Students are warmly invited to contribute suggestions for workshops through their graduate committee reps, or to the Academic Office.

Details of these events can be found on our termcards.

7.6 Libraries

Bodleian Libraries

All students will be given a University card (or ‘Bod card’), which also functions as a library card and a College entrance card, on arrival. You can find information on Oxford’s comprehensive library services here.

The Bodleian Libraries provide access to an extensive collection of databases, electronic reference works, e-Journals and e-Books. These and other electronic resources can be accessed from the Bodleian Libraries Finding resources web page. If you are working outside the University network, you can still access most online resources using your Oxford Single Sign-On (SSO) or via the Oxford VPN. More information is available here.

College Library

Reuben College has its own library space available for Reuben students whenever the College buildings are open.

The College is happy to consider requests for new book purchases of general interest. Please email if you would like to make a recommendation. Academic texts for solely personal use can be claimed against each student’s academic related funds, subject to the cap on those funds. Find out more.

7.7 University Terms & Residency Requirements 

Although the framework of graduate work is much less geared to academic terms, the annual pattern of life – and the basis for charging fees – is still dictated by the three-term year (four for graduates in Medical Sciences).

For most diplomas and degrees, except those few specifically designated as distance or part-time courses, students must spend a period in residence – which means graduate students live in term time within 25 miles of Oxford. In exceptional circumstances, permission to reside outside the limits must be sought from the University (see details and application form here). Students on part-time or distance-learning courses are exempt from the residence requirement. The minimum period of residence for most diplomas or the degrees of MSc or MSt is three terms.

The minimum period of residence for the degrees of MPhil (BPhil in Philosophy), MLitt or DPhil is normally six terms.

7.8 Graduation

University of Oxford degrees are normally conferred at degree ceremonies held in the Sheldonian Theatre. You may graduate in person or "in absentia", either straight after you've finished your degree, or at a later time. If you choose to graduate in person, you will be presented by your College Dean of Degrees.

Taught course students will receive an email invitation from the University at the start of their final year with information about booking a degree ceremony. Research students will be able to book a date once they have been granted leave to supplicate.

Having booked a ceremony, the College’s Alumni Team will be in direct contact via email (to your non-Oxford email address if you have left College and provided this) to inform you of the procedures and requirements for the day. Please keep your details up to date here:My Oxford Online 

All ceremonies currently have a two-guest limit and your place at a particular degree ceremony will only be confirmed once you have cleared any unpaid fee bills. All enquiries regarding graduation should be made to